Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Start of Another Night

So, tonight is another night of all-night studying, which has become a routine the past few weeks. I think we've all gotten to the point where we read stuff, and we feel like we know this, and we're not sure what's left to learn. Then we look at old tests and wonder why we never learned anything. 
Stats test was yesterday, and to say the least, it was BAD. That's just my analysis, it varies from door to door. Tomorrow is micro and macro, which I feel relatively confident about, but a lot of that has to do with my good grade on my last micro test. We'll see.

Back to the books.

Curious to know what we're working on:

Curious about my music selection for the night?
Elvis Presley - Maybelline

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fuzzy Math at Wendy's

So the funny thing about this photo is that they put someone actually paid attention in class. If you're relatively familiar with statistics, you know that 256 should seem a little low. Well, by MY MATH, and someone who did pay attention in math class,

There are 9 different items you can put on a hamburger (mayo, mustard, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, cheese, and bacon), there are also 3 different size burgers (1, 2, or 3 patties)

That comes out to roughly 1,088,640 assuming you don't do anything crazy like no buns, double buns, ranch, etc.

It seems like Wendy's just did a simple on/off probability, but failed to consider all the different combinations that could be possible.

Monday, December 6, 2010

So It's Been a While...

Yes, it's been a while. A long, long while. A lot has happened, and a lot more hasn't happened. I promise to attempt to update this on a more regular basis. I'll try to mix it up with the following topics, we'll see if this works:

  • Random Happenings - You wouldn't believe some of the crazy stuff that happens to me on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it's not that interesting, but sometimes it's REALLY weird.
  • Real-World Econ - So, I am in an econ PhD program, so my life REVOLVES around grad school and economics, which is primarily why I haven't updated this semester. Don't worry though, I'll pick things that are actually interesting
  • Cool Findings - So if I try a new recipe or find a comic/site that I like, I'll post it on here so that everyone can see.
To Start:

So, it snows here A LOT! And I like it. I've only seen Texas Snow, which according to certain Northern friends back home, isn't real snow. I now know what they mean. It's really pretty, even though it's almost solid white. Also, it gets VERY cold. I'm actually starting to get annoyed with all the people back home complaining about it being cold. Trust me, people, you don't know what it's like:

As far as school goes, we're about done with our first semester, and it was ridiculously hard. Only two more weeks and I get a whole month off to prepare for our summer quals. I may be the only person in our group working on quals during the break, but I've been told that's one of the BEST ways to prepare for them. 
If anyone out there is actually curious about being in an econ grad school, you should DEFINITELY check out the Greg Mankiw blog. It helped me tons:

If you're IN grad school, there's a good letter to first year students about surviving. It's mainly for econ students, but I think it's pretty applicable to a lot of people in their first year of grad school: