Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Future in Economics

Okay. I want to be an Economics Professor. Plain and simple, no ifs, ands, or butts. I would also like to do some consulting work, as well as be an Economic Adviser for the government/President. There is only a few minor problems that I can see arising:

  1. I'm relatively good at math, but not nearly experienced enough to work through graduate level/doctoral level.
  2. I would love to get my MBA first and foremost, but I haven't taken the GMAT or the GRE.
  3. I'm not so hot with Macroeconomics. I'm not sure why, it's always been a problem.
  4. I haven't done any undergraduate research, which most doctoral programs like to see.
So, to solve these dilemmas, I'm reading a book on Economics research methods that discusses basic data analysis, univariate statistics, bivariate analysis, and mulitvariate analysis. Hopefull this will help me brush up on the statistics side of my math deficiency.

I'm also taking the GMAT and GRE in August. I've been studying for the GMAT for about 3 weeks now, but I haven't started the GRE study material yet. Lot's of work ahead.

I'm taking an Intermediate Macroeconomics curently for Summer II. I want to read the entire textbook, cover to back. For my Economics electve, I'm going to try and find a specialized section that focuses more on the Macro side, perhaps International Economics or Monetary Economics.

I have a few ideas for research, but I just don't know how to go about starting it. I'm going to talk to one of my professors and see what he thinks I can do. I've also discussed being a reaseach assistant during my MBA year.

Oh the stress associated with school.

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