So, I know this is a very controversial issue in the U.S. right now, and I'm not quite sure why people make such a big deal about it. Turns out, in Washington, it is against the law to use your cell phone without a hands-free device. I was thinking about this the other day, as I was texting BELOW the dashboard, and I started thinking about the rationality and legality behind it.
First, they say it's EXTREMELY dangerous because you're not paying attention to the road when you should be. My thought behind this is, yea, so is eating while driving and putting make-up on while driving. Hell, I've even changed clothes while driving. All three of those activities take up more time and attention than a quick 150 character text message. I think police depts. should spend a little more time on more important driving infractions then texting
Second, how in the world did they get away with this? Seriously, the texting issue is really centered around drivers 16-24. I would argue that the primary users of texting are those 16-18 for the pure fact that my "generation" only really got into texting about 3-4 years ago. Hell, I just got an unlimited plan about 1 1/2 years ago. As it turns out, my age group (under 25), is the least likely to vote in any type of election, especially local elections.
So, they have effectively put a law in place that is aimed at fining a section of people who can't vote (16-17), and another group of people who have the lowest voter turnout in the nation (18-24). They've also chosen an infraction that is heavy in this area, while neglecting habits (like eating) that are experienced by a much wider range of people. They won't pass a law against those because those are the people that contribute to campaigns and vote.